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Katrien Voorspoels
Coaching & more

"Learn to trust the journey

even when you don't understand"

Mila Bron


Is not about the waves

It's about learning how to surf!


You experience too much stress

reaching your end ...

or you past some line already. 
You want to take a look at your career.


You're looking for a different way of
dealing with life, you long for change.

It's no quick-fix you're looking for

but a sustainable sollution.


Sounds familiar? 

I have your back!

Foto: Tim Marshall via Unsplash

overgave - Milada Vigerova.jpg

Engagement en connectivity is what keeps every company going

 You run your company with heart.
Bussines are going well. Maybe you bumb into things.


You're looking for a different way of leading and strongly believe that

your people

is your companies engine.

And it's largest kapital. 


Sounds familiar? 

Let's talk!

Foto: Milada Vigerova via Unsplash


Om in beweging te brengen
moet je eerst zelf bewogen zijn.

You strive to grow

in your professional role.

You are a teamleader, coach,
trainer, facilitator, company director, ...

You are looking for support and training because you believe that's the only way you can master your profession.

And you realise that leadership is key


Sounds familiar? 

Let's talk!

Foto: Levi Xu via Unsplash

The waves are not the problem
you can learn to surf (better)!

​© 2018 Katrien Voorspoels - Inspirator since 2013 - made myself with W

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