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Katrien Voorspoels
Coaching & more
"Learn to trust the journey
even when you don't understand"
Mila Bron
Professional offer
You never do it alone
As a professional you do not want to dwell on your growth path.
You like to be inspired by others
and you realize that your mastery in your role
a path of trial and error.
You are not doing this alone!
Colleague professionals are in the same role
inspiring and challenging
and ask the questions that you no longer ask.
For the manager, coordinator, coach, ...
who invests in himself
Photo: Mark McGregor via Unsplash
Your team experiences (too much) stress.
Your employees are reaching a limit
or are they already over.
You want change, but also progress.
You're not looking for a quick fix
but sustainability.
You realize that you as a manager/coordinator
plays a key role
I am happy to help you so that stress becomes an opportunity.
Learn to learn from stress!
Photo: Tim Marshall via Unsplash
Stress and its signals are feedback.
About the workplace, the culture
and about leadership in the organization.
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